Najeeb Haddad

Najeeb T.

Department Chair and Assistant Professor
Religious Studies Department
Caroline Hall (CHL) 409
Programs I teach...

School of Arts, Sciences & Business


  • Ph.D., New Testament and Early Christianity. Department of Theology, Loyola University Chicago, 2018.
  • M.A., Biblical Languages and Literature. Department of Theology, Loyola University Chicago, 2013.
  • B.A., Double major in Religious Studies and Philosophy (Magna cum laude). Saint Xavier University (Chicago, IL), 2011.

Research Interests

  • The Letters of Paul
  • Empire Studies
  • Hellenistic Judaism: Philo of Alexandria, Hellenistic Philosophy
  • Gospel of Mark
  • The Pauline Epistles (New Creation and Theosis) Orthodox Christian Biblical Hermeneutics New Testament Empire Criticism Philo of Alexandria Hellenistic Judaism

Publications and Presentations

Books and Edited Volumes Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire. Lanham: Lexington Press/Fortress Academic, 2021. Empire Criticism and the Pauline Epistles: How and Why? Eugene: Cascade, 2023. In progress. Co-edited with Olegs Andrejevs. Genesis 1-11: Translation, Interpretation, Reception: A Festschrift for X in Honor of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday (anticipated 2025). Under Contract and In Progress. From Paul to Palamas: New Creation and Divine Participation in Christ, Lectio Sacra (Cascade, anticipated 2026). Under Contract and In Progress. East Meets West: Orthodox Biblical Interpretation and the Historical Critical Method (Fortress Press, anticipated 2026). Articles and Book Chapters (selected) “God and New Creation: The New Creation in Galatians, 2 Corinthians, and Romans.” Pages 129–42 In God in Paul’s Letters, Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprint Series. Edited by Timothy Milinovich, Normand Bonneau, and Robert O’Toole. Washington D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association, 2023 “The Good Citizen: A Philological Analysis of Philippians 3:17-4:1.” Pages 46–58 in Scripture, Cultures, and Criticism: Interpretive Steps and Critical Issues Raised by Robert Jewett, Contrapuntal Readings of the Bible in World Christianity. Edited by K. K. Yeo and Kathy Ehrensperger. Eugene: Pickwick, 2022. “Reassessing ‘Submission:’ Applying the Work of Troy W. Martin to Romans 13:1–7.” Biblical Research 67 (2022): 81–92. Past and Upcoming Conference Presentations Invited. “Sacred Synergy: Pauline Foundations and the Nicene Creed in the Pursuit of Church Unity.” Nicaea & the Church of the Third Millennium. Rome, June 4-8, 2025. Invited. “An Antiochian Biblical Hermeneutic in the West.” Interpreting the Present, Making the Future: Theology Today in the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (Organized by the Eastern Church Institute of the Diocese of Regensburg in cooperation with the University of Münster). Athens, Greece. Sep 11-15, 2024. Invited. “The Hellenistic Jewish Speculative Tradition: Philo, Paul, and Divine Inspiration.” The Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA. Nov 23–26, 2024. 2023. “‘My Child Onesimus:’ Sanctification, Transformation, and the case of Onesimus in Paul’s Letter to Philemon.” Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association. Volos, Greece. Jan 11–15, 2023. 2022. ““What is Orthodox about Orthodox Biblical Scholarship?” The Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, CO. Nov 19–22, 2022. 2022. “Philo’s King of Egypt: Rewritten Scriptures and Philo’s De Iospeho 105–124.” The Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, CO. Nov 19–22, 2022

Professional Affiliation and Membership

  • Catholic Biblical Association
  • Chicago Society of Biblical Researchers
  • Society of Biblical Literature