Class of 2022 Spotlight: Hannah Siegert

Political Science Graduate Looks Back on Her Time at Notre Dame
Hannah Siegert

By: Erik Pedersen, Senior Communications Manager

BALTIMORE – When Â鶹ÊÓƵ visited Hannah Siegert’s high school during her junior year, she almost skipped the information session.

Her teacher, though, convinced her to give Â鶹ÊÓƵ a try, and five years later Siegert is set to graduate from a school that she instantly fell in love with. A political science major with a double minor in history and women’s studies, Siegert will be starting a job in Washington D.C. with Wave Fundraising, in partnership with the American Civil Liberties Union following her graduation in May.

Learn more about Siegert’s Â鶹ÊÓƵ experience in today’s Class of 2022 spotlight:

How did you first hear about Notre Dame, and what led you to apply?

When I was in high school, I would sign up for random colleges when they visited my school for info sessions. I signed up for Notre Dame’s info session, but I actually was thinking I would skip it and stay in class the day they came by. My teacher, though, told me that she’d heard good things about it, that it was an all-girls school and I might really like it so she encouraged me to check it out, which I did. I instantly fell in love with it. Everything just sounded perfect. It was in the city, which I really liked, and it had small class sizes. Being a Women’s College was a plus – I thought that was really cool. That was my junior year of high school, so I applied senior year and got accepted. It was a like a dream come true.

Did you know from the beginning that you wanted to become involved in politics? What drew you to the field?

I originally wanted to major in history but that wasn’t an option, so I did political science instead. I’ve always been passionate about standing up for people who can’t stand up for themselves, and using the privilege that I have to help those in need. The current political atmosphere in America has been very on edge, and there’s a lot of things that I want to do to change it and make it better. I knew that majoring in politics and studying that would be the best way to make that happen.

Do you have a favorite class or professor at Notre Dame?

Dr. (Jennifer) Erdman is my advisor. She wasn’t supposed to be originally, but freshman year she taught a few of my history classes, and we grew really close so somehow I managed to make her my advisor. She’s so lovely, helpful and funny. She cares for me both academically and personally, and it really shows. I think my favorite class, she actually taught it this semester, it’s called True Crime in American History, and it’s super cool, interesting and fun. That was probably my favorite one to take with her, but all of her classes are great.

Outside of the classroom experiences, are there any other top memories from your time at Notre Dame that stand out?

My freshman year, right after move-in, they had an ice cream truck come to campus. It was a little nerve-wracking because I was a freshman, I’d just moved on to campus and I didn’t really know anybody, but it’s actually where I met two of my closest forever friends. We met and hung out that night and are still friends to this day. So I think that Ice Cream Social my freshman year was the most fun and impactful little event that I attended. Throughout the years there have obviously been plenty of other fun and memorable events, but that one in particular always sticks in my head.

Do you have a favorite place on campus?

I would say my dorm. I love how cozy and homey it is. I usually do most of my work in my dorm, and whenever I’m just relaxing and stuff I’m in my dorm. It’s just my comfort place. But if I’m not in my dorm, I’m usually somewhere in Caroline Hall. I can’t give you an exact spot because I’m always just going around different places.

What are your current plans for after graduation?

Starting in June, I’m going to be a campaign fundraiser in DC for the ACLU. I’m very excited about that. I will be working with Wave Fundraising, they’re partnering with the ACLU. I’m going to be going to DC every day and doing what I’m passionate about. I’m excited to see how it goes.

Are there any long-term career goals you would like to accomplish down the road?

I would love to be a congresswoman someday, but my goal for right now is to start my new job in June and just go from there. Take everything one step at a time and work my way up the ladder if possible.

Is there any message that you’d like to give to Â鶹ÊÓƵ students?

I would just say that with college, everyone has their own experience, and if yours doesn’t match someone else’s, that’s okay. Just take it day-by-day, that’s all that you can do. I wish someone had told me that when I first started.

Established in 1895, Â鶹ÊÓƵ (Â鶹ÊÓƵ) is a private, Catholic institution in Baltimore, Maryland, with the mission to educate leaders to transform the world. Notre Dame has been named one of the best "Regional Universities North" by U.S. News & World Report.

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