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I give my consent and authorize the sponsoring institution to provide this information to MHEC on MHECs request. I also agree to furnish any information requested pertaining to the objects of this agreement by the Commission and further agree to provide documentary evidence of compliance with the requirements of the award to include the required completion of the NSP II Annual Faculty Award survey for program outcomes and evaluation purposes. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Cohen Scholars Student Date Section B Institution and Sponsorship Information (To be completed by the Dean or Director of the Nursing Program of the sponsoring institution). Sponsoring Institution: _______________________________________________________________________________ Sponsoring Dean/Director/Department Head of Nursing Program: ____________________________________________ Dean/Director/Department Head Email: ______________________________________Telephone #: _______________ Faculty Mentor: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Mentor Email: ________________________________________________Telephone#: ___________________ Degree Program: ___________________________________________________________________________________ The # of credit hours in Education/Curriculum & Instruction to be completed: __________________________________ Students Expected Graduation Date: ___________________________________________________________________ Institution where student currently works or one expected to hire the sponsored student, if known: _______________________ (Section B cont.) Section B Institution and Sponsorship Information (cont.) Our institution is sponsoring the above named applicant for the Cohen Scholars Program. In doing so, we agree to:  FORMCHECKBOX  provide mentors for the student and incorporate the student into our campus faculty culture,  FORMCHECKBOX  provide career counseling and assistance with placement as a faculty member at our institution or another nursing school in the State,  FORMCHECKBOX  provide a written mentoring plan with annual progress reports by the faculty mentor to include plan of study, progress, activities, meetings, expected graduation and faculty development (see pg. 3-6) and  FORMCHECKBOX  provide to NSP II, on request, all of the applicants transcript information and billing information. Signature of Dean/Director of Nursing Program: ___________________________________Date: ____________________ Section C Personalized Mentoring Plan (To be completed by students Faculty Mentor) Educators are encouraged to establish networks of mentors for development of long-term partnerships for shared growth and development. The mentoring relationship, initiated by this written contract, officially lasts until the end of the graduate nursing program and beginning of a new career as nursing faculty and beyond if indicated. The NSP II Cohen Scholars Program provides funding for the development of new nurse faculty. Institutions may sponsor selected students who indicate an interest in becoming nursing faculty at the sponsoring institution or another nursing school/program in Maryland. All sponsored students must sign a service obligation form, committing to service as a nursing faculty member at a Maryland institution or hospital education department, in order to obtain these educational funds and repay these funds with interest if they do not complete their program of study or do not complete their service as nursing educators. Please provide a brief description of the mentoring plan for the student recipient of the Cohen Scholars Program. The personalized mentoring plan MUST include the following or it will NOT be accepted (check (") each item below):  FORMCHECKBOX  Transcript review indicated 3.25 GPA each semester _________ current GPA  FORMCHECKBOX  The student s plan of study/course list with final degree to be awarded and length of time required to complete  FORMCHECKBOX  Plan of study includes a minimum of 9 semester hours of core education coursework, including a teaching practicum or TA  FORMCHECKBOX  Outline of mentoring using the approved Cohen Scholars Mentor form (For example, include personalization with the number and types of planned meetings, faculty shadowing and teaching experiences, etc.) Please attach a copy of the students signed personalized mentoring plan to this completed form. By signing this form, we acknowledge that the attached personalized mentoring plan is complete. We also certify that on an annual basis, the sponsoring institution will provide an update to this plan for the student including (1) progress that has been made in following the plan and (2) advise of any changes that have been made. If updated information is not provided by 8/31 each year, it is understood that the scholarship may be cancelled. Signature of Graduate Nursing Student: ___________________________________________________Date: _________ Signature of Faculty Mentor: ____________________________________________________________Date: ________ Last name: First name: _____ MI: _____ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: State: Zip code: _______________________ Student Email: ___________________________________Phone #: __________________________ School: ___________________________________________________________________________ Program: _________________________________________________________________________ School Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Advisor/mentor Name: _______________________________________________________________ Advisor/mentor Email: ___________________________________Phone #: ____________________ PROPOSED PLAN OF STUDY: * attach plan of study and note changes. Note semester of education core. Summer First sessionSecond sessionFall First sessionSecond sessionWinter First sessionSecond sessionSpring First sessionSecond sessionSummer First sessionSecond sessionFall First sessionSecond sessionWinter First sessionSecond sessionSpring First sessionSecond session MENTORING PLAN: Mentorship will provide a rich experience that introduces beginning teachers to experience the world of nursing education. (Mentor/Advisor and Student initial each requirement). _______1. Student will gain familiarity with the universitys mission, philosophy and programobjectives. Assigned reading/documents to be determined by mentor. _______ 2. Student will complete minimum of 9 semester hours in nurse educator core. Tuition is available for 12 semester hours. Another resource for clinical faculty (30 contact hours) is the Faculty Academy and Mentoring Initiative of Maryland (FAMI-MD)  HYPERLINK "https://nursesupport.org/nurse-support-program-ii/grants/statewide-initiatives/-faculty-academy-and-mentorship-initiative-of-maryland-fami-md-/" https://nursesupport.org/nurse-support-program-ii/grants/statewide-initiatives/-faculty-academy-and-mentorship-initiative-of-maryland-fami-md-/ _______ 3. Student will be provided opportunities each semester to shadow faculty membersin classroom,clinical or simulationsettings. This is to obtain a basic understanding ofcurriculumand courserequirements, class objectives and instructional techniques. _______4. Student will attend nursing faculty meeting and/or participate in the nurse educator career portal:  HYPERLINK "https://www.leadnursingforward.org/" leadnursingforward.org/. _______5. Student will participate in some form of synchronous collaboration system or Learning Management System or online place of gathering. May complete modules in: (Canvas or Blackboard Cohen Scholars Corner-topics such as: leadership, educator/faculty role, clinical simulation, resume building, job applications, interview skills, great faculty characteristics, how to continue in practice, etc.) specifically for Cohen Scholar recipients, addressing questions regarding faculty roles and challenges. Alternate plans to provide these gatherings need to be clearly identified. _______6. Student will participate with fellow Cohen Scholar recipients to discuss job opportunities job searches. (ex: NSP II Nurse Faculty Job Fair or the nurse educator career portal:  HYPERLINK "https://www.leadnursingforward.org/" leadnursingforward.org/ _______7. Student will complete poster, presentation or Journal Article Submission with assigned mentor. _______ 8. Student will attend the annual Maryland Action Coalition Conference (MDAC) and recommend at least one other Professional Development activity (ex: MCSRC-SEL Workshop, FAMI-MD, AACN faculty development, Sigma Theta Tau, Simulation workshop or another approved session) each year related to the topic of nursing education. _______ 9. Student will be advised on the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) and/or professional development certification for the future. _______10. Student will maintain an annual professional membership. _______11. Student will talk monthly (by phone, computer or in person) with assigned mentor to review program progress, mentoring activities and faculty development opportunities. _______12. Student will complete financial literacy through online option or a formal finance course. Please identify which option is being completed. _______ 13. Student will advise faculty of where they are employed in a teaching role. Which school or hospital? _________________________________________________________________ Mentor to document employment Nurse Educator CompetencyRecommended Student Learning Experiences (During mentoring, module completion or academic coursework)Examples of competency attainmentStudent and Mentor initialsFacilitate learning Uses learning theories and educational strategies to develop a syllabus and lesson plan to promote active learning in classroom, clinical and simulated settings. Facilitate learner development and socializationIdentifies learner differences, assesses learner needs and learning styles; reflects these in planned learning experiences Uses strategies to socialize the learner to the role of the nurse educator. Use assessment and evaluation strategies Uses a variety of strategies to assess and evaluate student learning outcomes in classroom, online, clinical, and simulated settings Participate in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomesGains familiarity with university and School of Nursing/clinical agency mission, philosophy and program objectives and how these elements guide curriculum/program development. Evaluates curriculum using SON evaluation plan 5. Function as change agent and leaderCompletes leadership module in Cohen Scholars Corner Writes short reflection of own leadership development6. Pursue Continuous Quality Improvements in the Nurse Educator Role Completes poster, presentation, or Journal Article submission related to nursing education  7. Engage in ScholarshipShadows faculty members in classroom, clinical, simulation or online settings to gain understanding of curriculum and course requirements, class objectives and instructional techniques. Acknowledge that scholarship is an integral component of the faculty role, and that teaching itself is a scholarly activity. 8. Function Within the Educational EnvironmentKnowledgeable about the educational environment within which they practice and recognize how political, institutional, social, and economic forces impact their role. Completes 9 credits of nurse educator core (list courses completed Completes 9 credits related to nursing education, 3 of which include the teaching practicum.  Makes a plan to become a certified nurse educator, clinical educator or professional development specialistReviews certification criteria and registration process; attends exam review session as appropriate.  Meets monthly with mentor Review progress and faculty development opportunities EXPECTED GRADUATION: Student plans to graduate in _____/_____ (MM/YY). By signing this form, we acknowledge that this personalized mentoring plan is complete. We also certify that on an annual basis, when requested by MHEC, the sponsoring institution will provide an update to this plan for the student including (1) progress that has been made in following the plan and (2) advise of any changes that have been made. If updated information is not provided when requested by MHEC it is understood that scholarship may be cancelled. Initial Review Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Advisor/Mentor - Nursing Program Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Student, Graduate Nursing Student Annual Update of Cohen Mentoring Form- May complete a new form annually with more recent information. Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Advisor/Mentor - Nursing Program Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Student, Graduate Nursing Student FOLLOW UP: _______ Graduation _______ Graduation date _______ Complete 9 semester hours in nurse educator core _______ Secures job in field for completion of service obligation Name of employer, position and contact person: ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ OR _______ Scholarship is retroactively voided. Refer to MHEC for collection if faculty preparation requirements or service obligation is incomplete.      Cohen Scholars Program (ANEC) award  ?GOP  - 3 6 ? 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