Step 1:

This will secure your camper's spot for the session(s) you select.

Payment Instructions

1. Go to the .

2. Select which sessions of camp you are enrolling your camper for.

If you are enrolling more than one camper for those same sessions, simply change the quantity.

Discount Code Information

The siblings discount code can be found on the payment portal. The discount will be applied to each session.

Discount Rules

  • You cannot apply a discount code to deposits. They can only be used if you are paying in full up front or if you are paying the remaining balance.
  • One discount code per family – discount codes cannot be combined
  • The sibling discount can only be applied to one of your camper's session fees.

Allowed Payment Types

  • e-check/ACH
  • credit card
  • mailed check

A mailed check should be made out to:

Step 2:

This provides important information including emergency contacts and individuals authorized to pick up your camper.

Step 3: Submit Remaining Forms

Email completed forms to

Step 4: Submit a Photo

Email your camper's photo to to be kept with their file.