Apply to teach abroad in Ghana or Europe following your student teaching in Baltimore.

Long-term Benefits of Teaching Abroad

1. Learn about yourself. 

Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture.

2. Develop skills a classroom setting will never provide. 

Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is overwhelming at first, but it is also exciting. It is an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. As you encounter unfamiliar situations you will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways.

3. Enhance employment opportunities. 

An employer sees a student who has studied abroad as self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Your experience in another country, negotiating another culture, will set you apart from the majority of other job applicants.

4. Engage in a comparative experience. 

Teaching styles, classroom etiquette and cultural norms all impact the role of a teacher and the learning styles of the students. By immersing yourself in a new culture and classroom, you will gain an appreciation for other teaching techniques and approaches and at the same time will gain a better understanding of the U.S. approach.

About the Cities

Europe - Hungary, Austria, and Germany

The European program includes three cities:

  • Budapest, Hungary 
  • Makó, Hungary
  • Vienna, Austria or Munich, Germany


The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) administer an elementary school, secondary school (gymnasium), music school, boarding school and language school called . 

Students will live with the SSNDs in Budapest for a few days of orientation before traveling to Makó.


Located in Southeastern Hungary along the Maros River near the Romanian border, Makó has a population of 25,000.  

The SSNDs run a  which uses the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) method, promoted by the European Union, opens doors for a broad range of learners and nurtures self-confidence in young learners.

Students will live with the SSNDs in ²Ñ²¹°ìó&²Ô²ú²õ±è;.


At Schulzentrum Friesgasse, in Vienna, the SSNDs run a kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, business school, and an after school program. 

Students will live with the SSNDs in Vienna.


The is a private Catholic girls' school (ages 5-12) situated in Munich near Viktualienmarkt.

Students will live with an English-speaking host family or with the SSNDs in Munich.

Africa - Ghana

The African program takes place at Mary Queen of Peace Catholic School in Cape Coast, Ghana.

Cape Coast

The school welcomes students of varied abilities ranging from academically gifted to those with learning disabilities. Students come from a variety of ethnic and economic backgrounds. 

Following a curriculum outline by the Ghana Ministry of Education, the school prepares students to take the national exams at the completion of Junior High School.

Students will live with the SSNDs in Cape Coast, Mary Queen of Peace, Fourth Ridge - P.O. Box 1066 Cape Coast, Ghana.

Europe Program

Student teacher with two little boys looking at a book

Assist teachers in an English content class by giving students a chance to practice English conversation with a native speaker.

The first part of the program takes place in Hungary (3 weeks) and the second half takes place in either Austria or Germany (3 weeks), depending on the schools' availability.

Housing is provided by the SSNDs or you may live with a host family.

Ghana Program

Student teacher in Africa with a class of small children

  • Teach in elementary school classes.
  • Learn about education systems.
  • Observe and teach classes of pupils.
  • Explore international cities and cultures.

Student Costs

  • Airfare-Travel to/from program site
  • Personal expenses
  • Room and Board (for non-residents $700)
  • Visa fee and Immunization for those traveling to Ghana (check )


Interested students must have completed their Praxis exam (program requirement).

How to Apply

Application Deadline: March 1

  1. Email S. Mary Fitzgerald to express your interest in the program before Winterim. Include your program preference (Europe or Ghana) and the year you plan to intern. 
  2. Complete the Study Abroad Application and scholarship opportunities from the Office of International Programs. Look for an email from this office with the application materials and deadlines.
  3. Once accepted to the program, students will need to participate in a pre-departure meeting.
  4. Methods of assessment and grades will be determined by the education department.

Upon return, students will participate in a re-entry meeting to discuss the experience.